Choice of England selectors difficult

From Athar Ali

LONDON, April 5: With nine candidates in the field for the election of two members for the England cricket selection committee, the Test and County Cricket Board management as well as the 18 counties who constitute the board are facing a difficult task in making a choice. The postal ballot is expected to be completed by April 17 and the results announced the next day.

But the record number of candidates may pose difficulties forcing a second ballot.

The position of former England captain, Ian Botham, who is a serious contender, has been undermined by a letter written to the TCCB members by the Chief Executive of the Board, Alan Smith, in which he has reminded members of the media commitment of at least one of the candidates. Ian Botham is heavily involved in television and also with the newspapers.

The TCCB chief has said that it has been a long-standing policy of the board to look for persons not involved with the media. This policy was applied to Ray Illingworth and Ted Dexter, and more recently Bob Willis withdrew his candidature as selector because of his commitment with the media.

The TCCB because of the publication this morning of extracts from Alan Smith`s letter in newspapers had to make its position clear. It dismissed suggestions that they were trying to block the selection of Ian Botham as an England selector. They said all they have done is remind counties that candidates should not have media commitments. "The executive committee has laid down that you can`t be employed fulltime in the media and be a selector. That is a general perception that has existed in the game for 40-50 years and we reaffirmed it a year ago. Bob Willis having had his nomination withdrawn last year for this reason."

The TCCB Chief has told the counties they can vote for whomsoever they wish. But in view of the publicity given to his letter it seems that The Management at Lord`s is not looking favourably at Botham`s nomination. They have also leaked the names of two of Ray Illingworth`s favourites. The controversial chairman of the selection committee, who got himself confirmed when David Graveney, now also a candidate for one of the two selection committee posts, withdrew his challenge. Illingworth favours Fred Titmus and Brian Bolus to be with him on the committee with the England captain and David Lloyd, the Lancashire coach, who has been appointed to coach England for a five month`s period. If Ian Botham is eventually erected he will carry the rancour of Alan Smith`s letter in his mind and would not be an easy person to deal with on the committee. He has already been vocal in criticising Illingworth`s style of management.

Source :: Dawn Group Of Newspapers
Contributed by Dawn (dws@biruni.erum.com.pk)

Date-stamped : 07 Apr96 - 03:23