The Barbados Nation
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WICB Statement

The Barbados Nation
8 November 1998

Following is an edited version of statement issued yesterday by the West Indies Cricket Board:

We have always been willing to negotiate with WIPA.

This was evident from our initial offer of a meeting in South Africa, if necessary, as an alternative to the proposed meeting in England that would have delayed their training camp in South Africa being organised in preparation for the tour.

Messrs. Lara and Hooper received two written invitations to the meeting in Antigua to discuss the matter and flights were booked at the board's expense for them to travel. They did not attend.

The WIPA CEO David Holford and secretary Roland Holder were also invited to the meeting in Antigua last Wednesday (November 4) and attended.

When the West Indian team assembled in London, we sent a delegation of WICB member Joel Garner and manager Clive Lloyd to London to negotiate with the WIPA.

These gentlemen were chosen because we felt that as former players they would have been best suited to advance negotiations.

In the interim, throughout the entire impasse, the president, Pat Rousseau, attempted to communicate by fax and telephone with the WIPA representatives in Barbados and London.

While there was some discussion with the officers in Barbados, there has been little response to messages left in London. Mr. Rousseau was able to speak at length with Mr. David King, the WIPA's attorney, on the evening of November 5 and he informed Mr. Rousseau of the main issues which precipitated the WIPA action.

These were outlined by Mr. King on behalf of the WIPA as, the proposal for new wage bands, which would determine how the agreed player fees was shared between the players; and the disciplinary action which had been taken by the board.

It is significant that only last night (November 6), we received a letter that specifically documented a wide range of other issues of concerns to the players, many unrelated to the tour of South Africa. These also include issues relating to fees for the South Africa tour which WIPA have repeatedly said are not a concern and had been agreed.

The demand have changed significantly since the start of the impasse.

A number of inaccuracies have appeared in the media. Therefore, we would now like to restate some key facts to aid understanding of the issues.

The recognition of WIPA has never been an issue for the WICB. The WICB has been negotiating successfully with WIPA for many years, and this board has met with the WIPA representatives at every board meeting.

The organisation has in fact been strengthened by our commitment of US$150 000 over three years to the WIPA secretariat to assist with its development.

In relation to the initial actions which precipitated these events, Messrs. Lara and Hooper travelled to London without the permission of the WICB, after these gentlemen had been informed that no meetings with the WICB would take place there.

WICB, including the appointed team manager Mr. Clive Lloyd, was not told about the two players being on WIPA business until the day after their unapproved departure.

Finally, we would like to say that we look forward to reconciliation on this matter.

Source: The Barbados Nation
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