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MacLaurin carries on

Electronic Telegraph

19 September 1998

LORD MacLaurin has been re-appointed as chairman of the England and Wales Cricket Board for a further two years. MacLaurin took over the post in November 1996, when the ECB replaced the Test and County Cricket Board as English cricket's governing body.

He failed to persuade the counties to adopt a two-division championship last year but has lobbied successfully for the Government to take home Test matches off the ``protected'' televised events list, a decision which gives cricket the opportunity to negotiate a higher price for screening rights.

Bob Bennett is to be opposed by at least one other candidate for the powerful role of chairman of the England Management Advisory Committee. Nominations close on Sept 24 for a position which has a strong influence on all aspects of the England team, but the result of a ballot will not be known until Oct 16.

Brian Bolus, the former England batsman and a selector under Ray Illingworth, is believed to have been nominated already and Alan Moss, of Middlesex, may also stand. Bolus was a strong critic of the style of Mike Atherton's captaincy and has not approved of the approach to disciplinary matters taken by the coach, David Lloyd.

Bennett gave up the chairmanship of Lancashire to concentrate on England affairs.

Source: The Electronic Telegraph
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