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Dilshan awaiting national call
The Daily News - 20 April 1999

T.M. Dilshan, a wicket-keeper and opening batsman of immense promise must be wondering what he should do to attract the national selectors' attention.

Dilshan was included in the initial pool for the World Cup, but despite constant performances found himself left out when it was pruned down to 19.

Dilshan, who opens the batting and keeps wickets for Sebastianites in the Premier championships has been the most prolific run-getter in the 1998-99 season aggregating 971 runs from 12 matches for an average of over 55. His scores include a career best 194 against Singha SC and five scores of over fifty - 91 v Matara SC, 65 v Kurunegala YCC, 97 v CCC, 95 v NCC and 59 v Bloomfield.

In addition to these runs, Dilshan also showed his potential in the shorter version of the game, making scores of 14, 34, 95, 99 and 36 for Sri Lanka 'A' who went onto win the triangular limited-over series against Sri Lanka 'B' and English county champions Leicestershire. Dilshan's two half-centuries in the competition were against Leicestershire.

Once previously, Dilshan topped 1,000 runs in a season when playing for Kalutara TC in Segment 'B'. He has also represented Kalutara PCC, Panadura SC, and Singha SC.

If Dilshan was good enough to be in the World Cup pool, he at least deserves recognition to be picked in the Sri Lanka 'A' team when they make a tour to England in July.

Source: The Daily News