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The Barbados Nation Run-out was fair, says match ref
The Barbados Nation - 26 April 1999

MATCH REFEREE Raman Subba Row said he and umpires Basil Morgan and Eddie Nicholls felt that West Indies opener Sherwin Campbell was ``fairly'' run out in yesterday's One-Day International at Kensington Oval.

Speaking after the match, which was interrupted by bottle-throwing when the Barbadian batsman was given out after Australian bowler Brendon Julian collided with him in mid-pitch, Subba Row said the umpires ``were quite clear the batsman was not infringed''.

``They maintain he was not infringed and so did I when I saw the replays. You get these mix-ups and when they happen they just happen.

``If someone deliberately sticks out a foot to trip someone that's different and the person who does that is in serious trouble, but this wasn't anything like that; nothing like it at all.

``We looked at the replays over and over again. There was nothing malicious in it at all and the umpires decided he was very fairly run out, so he was given out.

``That precipitated all the trouble with the bottle-throwing and you can't expect any fielding side to stay on the field when bottles are being thrown like that. It's highly dangerous.''

He said that during a meeting with umpires, officials from both teams and from the Barbados Cricket Association, it was decided Campbell should return to the crease to appease the crowd.

``The recalling was really because of the security situation here. It's bad enough when bottles are thrown.

``We certainly didn't want a riot or anything worse than that and as the game was predictably going one way I think it was a very sensible thing to do.''

Source: The Barbados Nation
Editorial comments can be sent to The Barbados Nation at nationnews@sunbeach.net