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The Barbados Nation Day wickets tumbled
The Barbados Nation - 16 August 1999

Seventeen wickets at one location, sixteen at another and 15 at another.

That was the sorry tale for batsmen as wickets fell in familiar fashion after a weekend of rain made surfaces difficult in the Courts Suzuki Division 1 competition yesterday.

It was the type of scene that cricketers and fans have come to dread.

The day's highest individual score came from 41-year-old workhorse Winston Herbert, who made 69 not out as BCL made 137 against champions Police at Weymouth where 14 batsmen perished. Police were four for 72 in reply.

A much younger Junior Gaskin, aged 23, starred with the ball to return the day's best figures of seven for 25 for hosts United Carlton against E.S.A Field Pickwick. Carlton were 40 for seven in reply to Pickwick's 54 for nine declared

Seventeen wickets fell at Wildey where Big B Spartan and Cable and Wireless BET are locked in another tight battle for first-innings points.

BNB St. Catherine were the only team to gain points, off Mount Gay Maple at Bayfield, one of two grounds where there was substantial play on the first day on Saturday.

In the other game, leaders CHIC Schools South hung on grimly but were one wicket away from conceding a lead. They can count the day's highest score 143 for nine, but were well away from Cockspur Wanderers' 226 for six declared.

Source: The Barbados Nation
Editorial comments can be sent to The Barbados Nation at nationnews@sunbeach.net