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Royals command
The Lancashire Evening Telegraph - 28 August 1999

Lancashire Lightning could find themselves pushed into second place in the CGU National League by Monday night - whether or not they beat Leicester Foxes at Old Trafford tomorrow.

The problem for Lightning is that nearest rivals Worcester Royals two points behind with a game in hand - play twice in two days, tomorrow and Monday.

And wins over Essex Eagles and Warwickshire Bears will take them to the top on level games.

It shows that Lightning have to maintain the form which brought them three wins in eight days recently, otherwise Royals could steal a march on them by landing their Bank Holiday double. Tomorrow's clash with the Foxes is only the second Sunday league match of the season, and Old Trafford officials are hoping to pull in a bigger gate than the first one - ironically against the Royals when Lightning suffered a shock defeat.

Lightning have three matches after tomorrow, a day-nighter at Old Trafford against Hampshire Hawks, another home fixture against Kent Spitfires and then what promises to be the big finale at Worcester on September 19.

Lancashire claimed nine points from their championship draw at Worcester.

Source: The Lancashire Evening Telegraph