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The Barbados Nation Red Stripe Bowl under lights
The Barbados Nation - 17 August 1999

The West Indies Cricket Board Inc. said yesterday it was investigating the possibility of playing the final four of the Red Stripe Bowl under floodlights.

The boards Chief Marketing Executive, Chris Dehring, made the announcement while denying a Trinidad newspaper report that there was conflict with the sponsors regarding the staging of the regional limited overs tournament from October 27-November 7.

There is absolutely no truth to the report whatsoever, and the sponsors and ourselves enjoy a very cordial relationship, Dehring said.

The venues for this years tournament have been discussed, and agreed in principle, pending the finalisation of details. These include the priority of televising as many of the games as possible, and investigating the feasibility of playing the Final Four as day/night matches for the first time.

He gave no other details on the floodlight aspects though the board was reported to have discussed the possibility of using portable lights.

Dehring added that the board had also been in dialogue with the proposed hosts territorial boards to address their concerns on the financial burdens of hosting the matches.

The venues will be announced when those details are finalised, he said.

According to the WICB, the contract between WICB Inc. and Red Stripe requires that only one of the two zones in the preliminary round of the tournament be staged in Jamaica.

As responsible sponsorship recipients, we had a duty to ensure that Red Stripe receives full value for money and we are very sensitive to their corporate objectives while at the same time using their sponsorship money to develop West Indies cricket, Dehring said.

The WICB also dismissed the report that the Red Stripe Bowl was shifted until after the Singapore and Sharjah tours, so that negotiations could be continued with the sponsors.

Tours to Singapore, Bangladesh and Sharjah by the West Indies team were scheduled prior to formulating any plans for this years tournament, said Dehring. He added: Because of the dates of these international tours, the Red Stripe Bowl was scheduled to take place from October 27 to November 7.

Source: The Barbados Nation
Editorial comments can be sent to The Barbados Nation at nationnews@sunbeach.net