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The Electronic Telegraph Scottish Cricket: Call-ups threaten revival
Keith Graham - 6 August 1999

International call-ups for Scotland's two remaining one-day games against the South African Cricket Academy may have some bearing on title and promotion candidates in tomorrow's SNCL programmes.

Aberdeenshire lose their captain Neil MacRae and wicketkeeper Colin Smith for their vital home game against Heriot's. The Mannofield side have suffered a lapse in form in recent weeks which has cost them the lead in the Premiership. Heriot's have only Asim Butt in the national side but will also be without Scottish coach Jim Love and probably Mike Allingham, who has a thumb injury.

Aberdeenshire look for a return to form by Jason Arnberger and former Scotland player Mike Smith. Kevin Thomson may return from injury.

West of Scotland miss Craig Wright as they make the journey to West Lothian, where the home side are trying to forget a humbling experience against the new leaders at Hamilton Crescent where they were bowled out for 31.

The home side will wait to see if Ayaz Gul is available as he is standing by to replace Steve Crawley in the national team should the Grange opener fail a fitness test today. Grange travel to Greenock having climbed clear of the relegation zone and will also be without George Salmond.

Ayr will be hoping to resuscitate their faint hopes of top place when they go to Stoneywood Dyce, while Ferguslie's hopes of avoiding the drop will not be helped by the fact that Carlton, their opponents at Grange Loan, will have Fraser Watts back in their side.

Clydesdale, challenging Prestwick for the first division title, go to Watsonians without skipper Greig Williamson, who is on international duty, while Prestwick, at home to Strathmore, will be without Drew Parsons for the same reason.

Source: The Electronic Telegraph
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