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The day the adjectives ran out for Sri Lanka
Gareth Jayawardene - 3 August 1999

The opening game of the 1999 World Cup between Sri Lanka and England was played on the 14th of May. In terms of Numerology, the date 14.4.1999 is ``day 2'' (14+5+1+9+9+9 = 47. 4+7 = 11, 1+1 = 2.

On ``day 2'' it is virtually impossible to beat a country influenced by the 3rd Planet, Uranus. England, like Australia is influenced by the 3rd Planet. As stated in my earlier article, the 6th digit strongly favour countries under Uranus and this was evident in the match between Sri Lanka and England.

Just look at these facts and see how Numerology comes into play:

Sri Lanka lost the first wicket at 42. (4+2) = 6

They were all out for 204 (2+0+4)

6 of the top seven Sri Lankan batsmen fell to catches of the outside edge.

England scored the required runs in 46.5 overs (4+6+5) = 15, 1+5=6.

Number of wickets which fell on that day were 12 (1+2) = 3 (Sri Lanka all 10 wickets, England 2 wickets)

Sri Lanka's total of 204 included 21 extras (2+1)=3

It is also interesting to note that Alec Stewart who top-scored with 88 runs got it in 146 deliveries. (1+4+6) = 2 inclusive of 6 boundaries.

As the opening line of the lead story of the sports page in the Daily New (15.5.1999) stated, ``It was not Sri Lanka's day at Lords''.

Source: The Daily News