Zimbabwe Cricket Online
  The source for Zimbabwe cricket news


Editor: John Ward

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Zimbabwe Cricket Union




Zimbabwe cricket development: Chinamora Gala, Manicaland report
Karigai Motsi and Joel Muzeya - 23 December 1999


By Karigai Motsi

A successful cricket gala was held in Chinamora. Twenty-two schools attended but only eight took part because of the shortage of playing areas. We had planned for the gala to take place at two venues but the teachers could not secure the use of the showgrounds.

The Chinamora/Domboshawa area is making great progress; the teachers are well organised and the children are very enthusiastic. The headmasters are also very supportive. This is one area we need to help. A coach should be employed for this area.


By Joel Muzeya

Primary schools: There has been a lot of activity in the schools despite the Grade 7 exams. The junior league is being played on a weekly basis. The schools have shown a lot of commitment towards these games. The children have enjoyed the live televised games, thanks to the ZCU. There has been a much greater improvement in the cricketers this year than in the previous year. Most of the boys have been through the squads and we hope they will create a better platform in the high schools in the coming year.

High schools: There has been limited activity in the high schools because of exams. A few games have been played by Mutare Boys High School against Harare schools. A few of these games were cancelled at the last minute. We have introduced cricket into St Augustine's High School in Penhalonga. The game has been well received by the administration and the pupils. The group consists mainly of first-year students who were playing in junior schools last year. We hope for a great improvement next year. They are playing local friendly games at the moment.

Squads of Excellence: Due to the exams we have mixed the pupils with our squad and have let them play in our local league in the development side. This has given the pupils a chance of mixing with senior players. The ides is for the pupils to use these games as a platform towards club cricket. Now that the exams are out of the way we will resume our squads for the Under-13, which are mainly made up of Grades 6s and 7s.

Test Teams Zimbabwe.

Source: Zimbabwe Cricket Online
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