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Gloucestershire track Rammy pro Harvey
The Lancashire Evening Telegraph - 16 February 1999

Ramsbottom fear they could lose professional Ian Harvey to Gloucestershire.

Peter Spencer, chairman of the Lancashire League club, confirmed the county had been in touch and hopes to know more by the end of the week.

``At least they had the courtesy to approach us and ask for permission to speak to Ian,'' said Mr Spencer.

``We only have a gentleman's agreement with him, there is nothing signed. But even if there was, when a county comes in, you can't stand in the way of players.''

Ramsbottom have not yet set up any contingency plans.

``We don't think another week will make any difference, especially at this stage with a lot of people waiting to see what happens with potential World Cup players,'' added Mr Spencer.

A second attempt by Rawtenstall to sign Western Australia batsman Simon Katich has been wrecked by injury problems.

Katich was all set to join Rawtenstall as professional last summer before having to give backword a few weeks before the season began.

Now a groin injury, which might require surgery, has forced the Lancashire League club to look elsewhere.

Rawtenstall vice-chairman Bob Johnson said: ``We were keen to sign him and have been chasing him ever since last year. He's a very good player and has had four tons in the Sheffield Shield this winter. But we have two or three other names in mind at the moment.''

Ian Bell has been forced to give up the captaincy of Ramsbottom following a promotion at work but will continue as a player.

New skipper at Acre Bottom is Brian Taylor.

Source: The Lancashire Evening Telegraph