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The Electronic Telegraph Scottish Cricket: Richards century sets pace
Keith Graham - 20 July 1999

West of Scotland inflicted a crushing defeat on Scottish National Cricket League Premiership leaders Aberdeenshire on Saturday to open up the title race, closing the gap between the two sides to just five percentage points.

Corey Richards set up the victory with a patiently composed 111 as the home team, put in to bat on a green wicket, posted a 52-over total of 200 for seven.

Scotland paceman Craig Wright then ripped out Aberdeenshire's three top batsmen in a devastating opening spell and finished things off to return the fine analysis of four for 18 from 13.1 overs as the leaders crumbled to 59 all out.

With Ayr's home game against Greenock abandoned due to rain, Carlton had a chance to return to third place in the table but fluffed it when they went down at home to Grange.

Batting first, the home team ran up 195 for seven, a slightly disappointing total given that four of their batsmen got into the 30s and then got out.

There was no such hesitation from Steve Crawley who, opening for the visitors, bludgeoned 79 before being run out.

The equally forthright Roddy Smith maintained the offensive before becoming one of Alan Olsen's three victims but Ysas Tillerkeratne steered them home.

Their victory took them further away from the relegation zone as they changed places with West Lothian who slumped to defeat at Goldenacre against Heriot's.

Again the Boghall side's batting let them down, Ayaz Gul, with an unbeaten 61, running out of partners as his team subsided to 109 all out. Mike Allingham, with an unbeaten 46, and Jamie Watkins (43) saw the home team to victory with six wickets in hand.

Ferguslie's defeat at Stoneywood Dyce consigned them to bottom place in the table. The home side ran up 201 for eight but Mark Atkinson's 85 for the visitors seemed to put them on course for victory until the later batting collapsed to a disappointing 164.

Source: The Electronic Telegraph
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