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Lancashire District: Hunt on for missing trophies
Lancashire Evening Telegraph - 30 June 1999

Officials of the Accrington and Dist rict Cricket League have discovered that several of their oldest trophies have disappeared without trace.

Cricket historian Nigel Stockley, who is researching the history of the league for a new book to be released next year to celebrate the 100th season of competition, requested to see the trophies to help compile statistics for the book.

The missing trophies are the Entwistle Cup, first presented in the 1930s, the Riley Holding Cup which was presented for Sportsmanship in the 1950s, and the Cocker Cups which were the individual batting and bowling prizes from the same era.

Photographs of league teams from the past are also needed for use in the book, particularly of old Sunday School teams such as Green Haworth, Cambridge Street, St John's and St Peter's.

Anyone who has any information as to the whereabouts of the trophies, photographs or general memorabilia, is asked to contact Nigel Stockley on 01254 392923.

Source: The Lancashire Evening Telegraph