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The Christchurch Press Slow healing keeps Fleming out of test series
The Christchurch Press - 10 March 1999

Injured New Zealand cricket captain Stephen Fleming will miss the entire South African test series, despite indicating that he might be available for Shell Trophy play on Friday.

Fleming's rehabilitation from groin surgery has been slower than expected and New Zealand Cricket's medical panel now concedes he will miss both this week's test in Christchurch and the third test in Wellington next week.

NZC medical adviser Dr Rob Campbell said last night that a date had not been set for Fleming's return. He could not say if Fleming would be fit for the final three one-day games, which start on March 25.

``We've decided to set him rehabilitation targets, rather than try to get him ready for each match,'' Dr Campbell said. ``We now feel that's been the wrong approach and we are better to get him 100 per cent right.''

Fleming said last night missing major matches was ``very frustrating'', but he agreed with the shift in focus to rehabilitation targets rather ``than cricket dates''.

``My own eagerness to get back and join the New Zealand guys again has probably put pressure on many people.''

Fleming said there had ``just been a couple of niggles holding me up'', and his recovery had been ``a little bit slower than anticipated''.

Dr Campbell said Fleming had been working hard to regain fitness. He will have weekly assessments to monitor his progress.

Fleming was named in the New Zealand 12 for the second test, starting tomorrow, at Jade Stadium, but withdrew yesterday morning.

However, he indicated then that he was keen to play in Canterbury's final Shell Trophy game against Northern Districts on Friday.

He was provisionally named as Canterbury captain for the Hamilton match, but pulled out after meeting with the NZC medical panel yesterday.

In a statement issued last night NZC said Dr Campbell was ``committed to ensuring that Stephen doesn't resume cricket duties until we are satisfied that he is at a sufficient functional level to play.

``The risk level is too high if we let him resume before this time.''

Source: The Christchurch Press
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