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The Daily Star, Bangladesh Bangladesh: Ray of hope for Minhazul
Our Sports Reporter - 3 March 1999

Quader-Saber talks

State Minister for Youth and Sports, Obaidul Quader, thinks that Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) should reconsider the omission of prominent cricketer and former national captain, Minhazul Abedin from the World Cup squad.

``I think Minhazul deserves a place in the World Cup team after giving so much to Bangladesh cricket. It is a popular demand now to include him in the World Cup team'', said Quader while talking to The Daily Star during the Abahani-Mohammedan Shaheed Smriti hockey final yesterday.

The State Minister revealed that he had already discussed the matter with BCB president Saber Hossain Chowdhury and received some positive response from the cricket boss regarding the inclusion of Minhazul in the World Cup squad.

Quader, however, denied to give any details of his conversation with Saber saying that everything will be intimated in time.

``I have requested Saber to include Minhazul and let's see what happens,'' Quader said.

``Minhazul played a vital role when Bangladesh clinched the ICC trophy two years back. If he could be in the 30-man squad, he surely deserves a berth,'' added the State Minister.

Source: The Daily Star, Bangladesh
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