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Dawn Pakistanis get visa for match at Mohali
Our Sports Correspondent - 28 March 1999

LAHORE, March 27: 214 Pakistani cricket fans were issued visas by the Indian High Commission's (IHC) temporary office at the Gaddafi Stadium on Saturday. The visas are being issued to 1000 Pakistani lovers of the game to witness one-day cricket match between Pakistan and India, Mohali (Chandigarh) on April 1. The IHC will issue visas till March 30.

The IHC counsellor Avadhesh Behari told Dawn that all the 214 candidates who applied for visas on Saturday got it the same day as no application was rejected.

Mr Behari said that his temporary office could start working on Saturday after some delay at 12 noon because it had to set up the office equipment at the temporary office.

``We will start receiving visa applications on Sunday from 9.30 a.m sharp to 4 pm, before delivering visas at 5 pm the same evening'', Behari said.

He said that the limit of 1000 visa could only be increased if the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) would get more tickets for the match.

He said that three-day visa is being issuedto Pakistanis to also provide them an opportunity to see the historical places in the Indian Punjab's capital, Chandigarh.

Source: Dawn
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