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Determined Sri Lanka bubbling with confidence
Daily News - 3 May 1999

The determined Sri Lanka cricket team left the island bubbling with confidence to bring back the prestigious World Cup which they won on March 17, 1996 at Lahore, Pakistan. No doubt, all Sri Lankans wish the team ``Good Luck''.

The battle for supremacy will begin on May 14, 1999, when Sri Lanka will play against England at the Lord's. On May 19 Sri Lanka will take on South Africa at Northampton. They will play Zimbabwe on May 22 at Worcester, India and Kenya on May 26 and 30 at Taunton and Southampton respectively.

If Sri Lanka is successful in the above assignments they will play in the super-six commencing from June 4. Finals will be played at Lord's on June 20, 1999. The World Cup 1999 can be considered as the most important last cricketing event of this century, in the annals of the cricket's history of the world.

Sri Lanka won the prestigious World Cup as they were equipped on a fine all-round side in 1996. The two openers Jayasuriya and Kaluwitharna were out of this world. With Gurusinha, De Silva, Ranatunga and Mahanama their batting strength combined the top as well as the middle. Chaminda Vass gave the necessary break and their tough off-spinners Aravinda de Silva, Muralitharan, Kumar Dharmasena and left-arm leg-spinner Sanath Jayasuriya bowled well. Fielding was at the highest level. Naturally, what more can Whatmore achieve? He motivated the team. Duleep Mendis was a tower of inspiration and strength as a manager. Further cool, calm and collected Ranatunga marshalled his troops very well and the enemy fell. His leadership was excellent. Dave Whatmore motivated the team and was the architect of the victorious Sri Lanka team. On paper SA favourites

According to present form, South Africa go out favourites to win the World Cup. From the last World Cup, up to January 31, 1999, SA have won 78 per cent of their matches and Sri Lanka have won over 54 per cent and second to SA in consistency, although they had 15 losses out of 20 matches in the recent past. As far as experience is concerned, Sri Lanka has the most experienced outfit in the world.

If you analyse our team each Sri Lankan player has played more than hundred matches. No other team can boast of this record. The key to Sri Lanka's success in this tournament will depend on their fielding.

Of the 12 teams participating in this year's World Cup, the team that performs on the given day will be victorious. Therefore the tournament is wide open and will be very interesting. Take the challenge

Sri Lankan cricketers should take this World Cup as a personnel challenge. The team spirit should be at the highest level. As you are aware, self-confidence and concentration are closely linked to each other. Remember, that sometimes, low and over confidence equally shatter concentration. If you are well motivated, your concentration power will increase tremendously. Always tailor your concentration to suit the concentration demands. Your ultimate goal is to win the World Cup 1999. Work hard. Be committed. Put country before self. Think that you shed your sweat and toil to bring honour and glory to your country.

Source: The Daily News