'All I want to do is to get out there and play for Somerset' - Johnson
Richard Walsh - 2 April 2002

The Somerset players were out on the grass at the County Ground today for the first time this season, and as an added bonus the sun shone for them.

One of the players who was getting back into the swing of things in the outdoor nets was Richard Johnson who last year enjoyed a very successful season with the Cidermen after joining them from Middlesex the previous winter.

At the end of the day Richard told me: "It made a very pleasant change to be out there on the grass. It's always very different to be outside for the first time every season, but everyone enjoyed it."

On the back of his success for Somerset in the 2001 season, Richard was called up as a late replacement to join the England tour party to India before Christmas, but despite performing well in one of the early tour matches was not selected in any of the Test Matches, much to his disappointment.

After returning to England just before Christmas, Richard spent some time at home before going out to Perth in Western Australia, where he worked hard at his fitness regime, but had a break from cricket.

Looking ahead to the new season I asked Richard if he had any thoughts on playing for England at the moment. He told me: "I'm not really looking at that at all at the moment. What happened out in India is behind me and all I want to do is to get out there and play for Somerset. If all goes well and I take wickets then who knows what might happen."?

What did he think that Somerset might achieve in the coming season I asked. Richard told me: "I think that we can win one of the one day competitions. Look what I predicted last season and I was right! It will be tough again in the County Championship, because there are several good sides. If we work hard we will do well again, but we will definitely win one of the one day competitions this year."

Richard, along with all of the Somerset squad faces a very busy programme during the days ahead, which has been devised by coach Kevin Shine along with his assistant Mark Garaway, aimed at ensuring that the players are in peak condition ready for the first match of the season.


Teams England.
First Class Teams Somerset.
Players/Umpires Richard Johnson, Mark Garaway.
Grounds County Ground, Taunton