Welsh Medium Primary Schoolteachers Receive Help from Cricket!
Cricket Board of Wales - 17 April 2002

Today at the Glamorgan Media Day, Ysgol St Curig Primary School in the Vale of Glamorgan met some of the Glamorgan cricket stars as a reward for winning their local schools indoor cricket competition. Led by Teacher Rhodri Jones, they met with Test star Robert Croft to announce a brand new welsh medium pack for teachers in Wales to help brighten up lessons using cricket as a theme.

Over the last two years the CBW has been placing in Welsh Primary schools the "Howzat" cricket resource to help teachers teach cricket. This well praised pack also helps teachers in their delivery of key stage 2 curriculum for Physical Education, English, Maths, Science, ICT, Design & Technology, History, Geography, Art & Design and PSHE. Within the cross curricular pack are a set of worksheets which have been translated and produced into Welsh with the help of S4C.

These translated small packs clip in to the Howzat file and have been despatched via the Local Authorities to all 444 welsh medium primary schools.

Mark Frost Director of Cricket said: "We have been placing the complete resources in schools up and down Wales and this now adds to an excellent teacher aid for all schools where learning is via the medium of the Welsh language. I am really pleased that welsh medium schools will have the benefit of making lessons more interesting by using cricket to add some colour!"

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First Class Teams Glamorgan.