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Cricinfo Magazine
The Wisden Cricketer

Wisden Almanack

Cricket Manager

'A confederacy of mediocrity'
Wisden CricInfo staff - April 4, 2002

What we have at the moment is a Victorian institution that resisted reform in the 20th century and struggled into the 21st on subsidies rather than public support … The system survives on a confederacy of mediocrity.
Notes by the Editor on the failure of county cricket

First-class county cricket has been changed to an extent at which it seems designed actively to drive spectators away. If this was the plan, it is working brilliantly … Indeed, all the major changes in the last 15 years have been made with complete disregard for the paying public.
Simon Heffer on county cricket

When at The Oval, needing just four runs to average 100 in Test cricket, he was bowled by Eric Hollies for a duck, there were two Australians in the press box who nearly died laughing. They were, of course, O'Reilly and Fingleton.
EW Swanton on Sir Donald Bradman

It was not his way to intone `Awake, arise, or be for ever fallen!' He was more inclined to say, in his suburban way, `Come on, lads, let's get stuck in.'
Peter Roebuck on Mike Atherton

If nothing else, Shane Warne: My Autobiography should finally bury the myth that only Poms whinge.
Francis Wheen reviewing Cricket Books

[Umpires] are anticipating the day when there will be cameras in the bats, balls and fielders' helmets, and a speaker in the stumps delivering a computer-generated "That's out" verdict (in a North Country accent if so desired) to send the batsman on his way.
Simon Hughes on the role of television

Whatever the merits of the argument – Boycott versus the committee – the damage that the conflict did to the county was immense. In 1978, members were asked to vote on what some thought were rival propositions: endorse sacking Boycott as captain or ask the committee to resign. I voted `yes' to both…
Roy Hattersley on Yorkshire cricket

The opening day had seen two miscreants entering Valentines Park: in one incident, a joyrider, after crashing a car near by, made his getaway through the park; in another, groundstaff discovered a man dangling from the railings, having tried to evade the admission fee.
Essex v Surrey Championship report

Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 2002 is published by John Wisden and Co, price £35 (hardback and soft cover), to include a free mini-book, The Best: The 40 Leading Cricketers in the World Today. To order your copy through the Penguin website, click here.

To order the Almanack for just £24.50, a £10.50 discount, click here. Please note that this offer applies only to books ordered through the post.

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