ACB Travelex comment on ACB withdrawal of tour to Pakistan
Travelex Australiasia Group - 9 August 2002

Travelex Australia Managing Director, Andrew Want, said today that Travelex was disappointed that the tour to Pakistan could not take place at present, but was supportive of the Australian Cricket Board's (ACB) decision, and of efforts to find a neutral venue.

"Pakistan is a great cricketing nation and nothing would have pleased Travelex more than to see the Australian cricket team in action in Pakistan," Mr Want said.

"Player safety, in our view, must be the first priority, and we believe the ACB has looked at every possible avenue before coming to this difficult decision."

Mr Want said that Travelex remained hopeful that an alternative neutral venue could be agreed so that the Test series with Pakistan could take place this year.

"Wherever the Australian team goes, Travelex will be there to support them and the ACB," he said.

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