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The Barbados Nation Lara remembers mother Pearl
Debra Ravello Greaves - 1 February 2002

She had 71 Test matches with varied innings, with strokes that leftmany in awe but she kept the runs coming.

The player has gone back to the pavilion, but the runs are on the board and the memories live on in our hearts, Brian Lara said yesterday as he paid glowing tribute to his mother, Pearl Scholastic Lara, at her funeral service at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Stanmore Avenue, Port-of-Spain.

She died in her sleep on Sunday morning at the Santa Cruz home of one of her sons.

Lara, the tenth of 11 children, stood strong as he eulogised his mother's life as that of a determined cricket innings with some of the best stroke plays being her dedication to family, commitment to God and service to others.

If ever there was a winning performance, an innings of excellence, this was one, Lara said of his mother who will also be mourned by 31grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

Speaking of her capacity to care for others and her passion for a strong family, he said: She re-emphasised the importance of the family and the home as the centre of things.

He said she shared strong family values and principles and one of her last requests was for the family to stay together.

Pointing out that her concern was not limited to the family clan, Lara said his mother was the proverbial custodian of the loaves and fishes and always had enough for everyone.

This was a mother who dedicated herself and her life to us and to humanity and she received in return, the love and respect of the community, he said. She was a big sister, the seamstress, the cook and caregiver to her younger sisters. All children were her children and their mothers' pain was her pain.

She was also a plant lover who loved the outdoors, hiking, walking, going to the beach, cooking and sharing food with all, and she travelled around the country in her last days, he said.

A stoutly religious person, Lara said his mother prayed constantly and desired to see all her children serve God.

Her real lesson to us was in the way she lived her life, her dedication to family, love for husband and devotion to God.

Attesting to her strength , Lara said that when his father, Bunty, died in 1995, she took over the innings, batting at both ends, being mother and father to them.

Courtney Walsh, whom Lara described as his mother's favourite cricketing son, and Ato Boldon, came to give their support.

Pastor Hugo Murray said Pearl was a truly remarkable mother and wife and an example for a lot of wives today. He said she was not an ordinary woman and society needed more women like her and advised parents to take a page out of her book.

The mourners also included Sports Minister Roger Boynes, the Trinidad and Tobago cricket team, representatives from the Trini Posse, and members of the sporting and business fraternity.

Pearl was buried at the Santa Cruz public cemetery.

© The Barbados Nation

Players/Umpires Brian Lara, Courtney Walsh.

Source: The Barbados Nation
Editorial comments can be sent to The Barbados Nation at nationnews@sunbeach.net