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The Barbados Nation On sure ground
Haydn Gill - 18 January 2002

It's not yet finished, but the Caribbean's newest international cricket ground has impressed one of the region's most respected pitch and grounds experts.

Boursejour Stadium, located in the north of St Lucia, has been given a passing grade by Richard Prof Edwards, the former Barbados and West Indies fast bowler, who is head curator at Kensington Oval during regional and international matches.

Edwards visited the St Lucia facility last week while he was in the Windward Islands country for a West Indies Cricket Board curators seminar.

It is a nice oval, full-size ground meeting international stands, Edwards told WEEKENDSPORT.

It is a very scenic ground with hills on the windward side.

The stadium, which is estimated to cost EC$35 million (about BDS$26 million) when completed, has been targeted to host two One-Day Internationals in the Cable & Wireless One-Day International series involving West Indies and India at the end of May.

As a dress rehearsal, the ground has been scheduled to stage a first- class match between the Indians and an Academy XI from April 26-28.

Some observers, however, reckon that there could be some pressure to have the ground handed over in time.

As it stands now, the outfield is level and requires a layer of sand before grass is planted, while the stands have been built but are without seating.

The stands look very nice. They are new, modern stands, but they aren't finished, Edwards said.

The slabs are in, the seats aren't in and a lot of the facilities like toilets and things like that still have to be done.

One concern Edwards had was the condition of the road leading up to the ground.

The road that takes people to the ground has to be paved. It's like a cart-track and it is quite a distance off the main road to get to the ground, he said.

The Government will have to pay attention to make access to that road better.

The stadium, funded entirely by the Government-run St Lucia National Lotteries, will include lighted indoor nets and most significantly, outdoor practice facilities at the back of the players' pavilion for use even when play is in progress.

It is expected to accommodate more than 10 000 spectators in partially covered stands, a grounds section and 18 private boxes.

© The Barbados Nation

Source: The Barbados Nation
Editorial comments can be sent to The Barbados Nation at nationnews@sunbeach.net