Sabres beaten by the weather at Edgbaston
Richard Walsh - 9 June 2002

Somerset Sabres gained their first NUL National League points of the season today when their division one match against Warwickshire Bears was abandoned without a ball being bowled.

Somerset will be particularly disappointed that no play was possible because with the inclusion of Andy Caddick and Marcus Trescothick and the return of Richard Johnson from injury, they would have been fielding almost their strongest one day side, with the only missing player being Steffan Jones, who is still not fully fit after damaging a hamstring earlier in the season.

The Somerset team travelled up to Birmingham yesterday evening, but arrived at the ground this morning to find that it was very wet. After an initial inspection just before 1pm the umpires delayed the start but looked again at 2pm and with the rain still falling steadily called the game off.

The Somerset one day focus now switches to The Rec at Bath next Sunday when the Sabres take on Leicester Foxes in a re-run of last seasons Cheltenham and Gloucester Trophy.

Somerset can take some heart from the knowledge that at the same stage of the competition last year they also had just two points from three games, the points coming from a tied game against Kent at Tunbridge Wells.


First Class Teams Somerset.
Season English Domestic Season
Scorecard Warwickshire Bears v Somerset Sabres, 9 Jun 2002
Grounds Edgbaston, Birmingham