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Cricket without boundaries

Globe image Junior and Senior comps underway in Bali
Paul Jarvis - May 13, 2002

Cricket going great guns in Bali with both senior and junior club league comps well under way.

In the senior league the 5th official game is to be played on Sunday between hitherto undefeated Jimbaran, under Soni Hawoe and Kuta, under Dan Metcalf.

Junior Club League squads have been registered for Jimbaran, Sanur/Sidakarya, Renon, and Kuta. They play every Saturday afternoon at the Bukit and every Sunday morn at Sidakarya-before the adult game. This is becoming a regular comp (u/15) with proper ball and pads. The skill level is improving rapidly and we are on target to take Australia under 15's in 2 years. Each junior league side is coached by an Indonesian senior who take responsibility for the same - thus encouraging a healthy rivalry. I am supervising the lot, to make sure it happens, and honing the skills of the elites.

Rest assured gentlemen - at this current rate, we will have a sharp outfit in 2 years in both seniors and juniors.

School league during the week has become a priority and sports teachers in the Jimbaran and Kendonganan areas are meeting for a clinic next week. Provisional date 23rd- please let Bogor know. Conducted over 2-3 days, we intend to make sure that all these teachers leave with a sound, hands on experience in the game. More importantly, we want their motivation level high to overcome structural problems in formatting a regular school comp--example of this Primary 5 have sport Wednesday -5th class and Friday -6th. Primary 7 may have Tuesday 5th and Thursday 6th class. The problem will be in overcoming this so that to allow for a common regular day each week -for continuous comp. The other problems here is the interference of 1. holidays (many more than Aus).2. exams-kids not allowed to play sport here during exams and exam prep and 3. traditional Hindu and Islamic ceremonies.

Our aim is to motivate these teachers to an extent where they will co-operate on a one day a week regular comp. Pragmatically- e.g. in an 8 school zone-could play 2 games simultaneously on Peganti oval and 2 on Pantai oval. However wish us luck on this one gents, because adults are a lot more difficult to motivate here in relation to cricket , than kids and 2.a regular weekly comp will involve changing syllabus timetables for sport- and a lot more hiccups than the junior club league.

Still, the aim is to get it happening and get kids playing regular cricket here on a widespread basis.

The point has been made to all coaches, that an increased female involvement is desirable. Girls that demonstrate a competency level commensurate with boys will be included in school teams. Girls that want to giggle and side track players and coaches will be channeled into skill building groups, where they can learn to catch a ball etc.

Coaches are going well lead but Soni Hawoe, who has risen a level in his ability to motivate players, organise groups, make eye contact -etc and keep the fun aspect of the game high. He is an ideal role model and has influenced Umbu Frenki Shoni to the extent that the latter is now competent to take junior high groups by himself. Zacchariah Awang is a bit of a loner, but has good organizational skills with school and club groups. The only Balinese coaches (others are from Timor and Sumba)-Agus Abadi and Wayan Suandi are performing adequately. However they do suffer from what we all know here as the Balinese apathy. This can prove a problem for Soni in terms of communication, organization, goal focus etc of these subordinates, and their act can improve. It's almost as if there is some resistance to regimentation from outsiders-which includes the other Indonesians. Still, it must be remembered that it is their island-and at times they can surprise you-with a top performance.

© ICC 2002

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